Sunday, April 26

Michael Jackson Concert (Jacko's NEW Chav-Style HOODIE)

Cigarettes: 0
Weight: 7stone 1 Which is odd B'coz I eat like a pig
Prescribed drugs administered: 65mg diazepam (Talk to the hand) 25mg physeptone


Michael Jackson was recently pictured in much more fashionable attire than he is accustomed to. This multi coloured hoodie is great.... in fact, although it's not Michael's usual look I love it and I want one

I am due to see MICHAEL JACKSON IN CONCERT on February 12th 2010 at the 02 Arena and hopefully in July, (If someone gives me the right price soon... e-mail me if you have any tickets for exchange) and I can't wait
I love you Michael!
I Love You MORE!

Check out my latest Michael Jackson Remix on YOUTUBE
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Click here to hear about Michael's court Victory against Julien's Auctions (My YouTube video)
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My Michael Jackson YouTube Channel (loads of my MJ Mixes)
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